I don't think I have to explain the physics of this picture to all you time travel experts.
She wanted to be behind a billboard or something, but what she got was a clear glass pane.
Hydra is Akina's slave.This is a collection of my favorite anime quotes which I seem to have trouble finding online, so I'll post them here.
UFO Princess Valkyrie (dub)
"The stage is our battlefield and we're taking no prisoners" Spot
"He would never do that. He's just not that kind of guy." Spot
"I guess you're right." Val
"It's not just a guess; it's for reals." Spot
"Eat this, nerd."-Spot
"So that's how it is." - Kazuto
"Peeping, huh? For shame!"
"Interfering in other peoples' love lives? How petty and boorish can you get?"-Valkyrie Ghost
"I'm picking up brain waves" Chorus
"Wow what a newsflash" Rika
"I'm your Valkyrie Ghost" Chorus
"Can you come back when you're not crazy?" Rika
"Even a blind archer gets a bullseye with enough arrows." Hydra
"Yawn." Akina
"Don't drag me into this! Enter the contest yourself!" Hydra
"No. The great
decider has decided!" Akina
"Great. Akina's fascism strikes again!" Hydra
"Akina's Diary! Dear Diary, today I walked home from school with Kazuto. I wish I could be more true to my feelings. When I was younger, I could access my feelings more easily" Hydra
"AAAAH! Gimme that" Akina
"Relax. You didn't write anything juicy anyway!" Hydra
"Well, pardon me for being so boring!" Akina
"You're such a loser!" Hydra
"Two Valkyries in one place? That's stupid!" Older Laine
"This makes no sense at all!" Younger Laine
"Do you two want your asses kicked?" Hydra
"Oh my damness!" random dumbshit as he sees a young Mehm walkin' down the street.
"Say hello to my little friend!" Sanada
"I don't think we should be spying on him like this. It's not proper behavior for a well-mannered lady." Hydra
"Who's this well-mannered lady you're talking about?" Akina
"It obviously ain't you." Hydra
"Oh hey it's Princess Chesty! I mean...Nesty."
"Teacher needs to see you
after class."
"Recess is cancelled!" - Pharm
"Well it's not the
best thing I've had in my mouth all day...but it's pretty good."
"So I guess we're in the middle of a battle or something?"
"Yeah, yeah whatever."
"Hey there, brainy britches!" - Laine
"Hey there Nesty. Nice implants."
"Well I see you're pirating skills haven't begun to sag." -Arseila
"You're going to make me
come right away!" - Sanada while hallucinating about little Valkyrie, adult Valkyrie, and Valkyrie Ghost while delirious from being lost in a snowstorm. I was not expecting her to say that...
"No! Kazuto and I are tied together by an unbreakable bond. He never chose you and never will!" -Valkyrie, to Valkyrie Ghost. Aww... see I'm not all pervert and no heart.
"This plot is way too complicated! Our readers are going to give up on it!" Chorus
"I think you mean viewers, right?" Sanada
"Well it's the
only plot we have right now." Kazuto
"Hey you guys, we have readers?" Rika
"Did you get all of those clothes as gifts?" Laine
"Yes." Mehm
"Yeah, well it sounds like some kind of scam to me." Rika
"Can you just imagine the innocent victims twitching in her wake?" Laine
"Totally." Rika
"What's this supposed to be?" Laine
"I'm sorry. I've never cooked by myself before and I don't know my way around the kitchen." Valkyrie
"Well at least there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the rice." Laine
"Yeah. It's impossible to mess up rice." Spot (retching)
"It's really good, Val!" Kazuto
"Don't eat it Kazuto - it'll poison you." Rika
"I know we're
in the red this month as usual, but could we start eating out?" Rika
"All right." Valkyrie
(everyone cheers)
"Oh, you're food is really good too, Val!" Kazuto
"Don't lie Kazuto - this stuff'll kill ya." Rika
"Of course it's good because our princess boiled the water herself!" Sanada
"Yeah, that must be why." Rika
(Hydra is punished by Inarva having Akina sing to her in the punishment dimension.)
(after) Akina: I wonder what Inarva showed her that made her so scared.
"I want to see the phantom lover. Please let me see! Why? Why would you cover that manga with plastic? How can I see what it is then?" Chorus
"Oh, yeah, I forgot Chorus is crazy." Rika
"I am your Valkyrie Ghost." Chorus
"What?" everybody
bad boy deserves fudge." Chorus
"Huh?" Sanada
"My very excellent mother served us naughty
pickles." Chorus
"Eh?" Hydra
"Oh silly me. Columbus sailed in
'93." Chorus
(everyone sighs)
"This is hopeless." Rika
"Valkyrie Ghost. Valkyrie..." Chorus
(to Kazuto)"You're adorable..." Akina
"Huh?" Rika, Laine, Hydra
(to Rika, Laine)"Um... hey look at that! (to Kazuto) Come here you!"
"Hey!" Rika, Laine
(Hydra trips Akina)
"So you've all become little because of this space bath powder. Well, it's no big deal, because you'll all be back to normal in 3 days!" Akina
"What do you mean this is no big deal?!" Laine
"I'm disappointed in you, Akina." Rika
"Oh come on, guys. I was just trying to have some
innocent fun with cute little Kazuto." Akina
"Since when do you call kidnapping innocent fun?" Hydra
(which is funny because early on in the series, Akina called Kazuto a
"Princess Stupidhead!" Akina insults Hydra
"O, maiden of flat-chestedness/you flat-chested dork" Hydra insults Akina
"How'd I get stuck out here with the
geek and the
freak?" Hydra
(dejected):"Lethargy - what's that?" Rika, going over English/Japanese vocab
flash cards in the SNOWSTORM.
"You are one cold-hearted playa" Mur, to Mar after he turns down ARRseila the pirate.
I'd love nothing more than to keep the bathhouse open, but a kid can't run it by himself. - Kazuto
Why do you always have to do things by the book, Kazuto? - Laine