Friday, January 30, 2009

dream moodz

I had a dream last night that four guys were holding me down and trying to forcibly inject me with steroids or something. I know I was freakin out in the dream and I could feel myself moving around trying to break free as i lay sleeping in real life. I asked dream moods what this means and it provided me with this answer:

"To dream that someone is forcibly injecting you, represents your negative attitudes about a particular situation/person. It also indicates the influence of peer pressure working against you. You are recognizing that someone is forcing their negative and unwelcome views/values on you."

Maybe it has something to do with everyone around me drinking and smoking weed and I don't do that stuff for whatever reason. It makes me feel like an outsider sometimes. But my belief that I'm "doing the right thing" (more like "not doing the wrong things") keeps me at that stance.

Perhaps there is some truth to this but idk. Dream interpretation is just that - interpretation. And interpretation is subjective. Besides, just besides the site was the first return on google search does not mean it is even remotely an authoritative source.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Youtube is full of fail and so is the law

here is the dispute claim stuff Invalid reasons to dispute a claim

I own the CD / DVD or I bought the song from iTunes.

Buying a song, CD, DVD, or other piece of media doesn't give you authorization to post that content on YouTube.

The content was only a part of my video.

In almost all cases, you need permission from the content owner to use even part of their work in your video. Learn more about Copyright here.

There are other videos on YouTube with the same content. It's only fair that I can use it too.

Copyright is all about forbidding some people from using material that others are allowed to use. Someone else's use doesn't give you permission.

I'm sorry, I just want my video back up, I gave credits in the description.

Giving credit does not give you authorization to upload the content.

I'm not selling my video or trying to make money.

That doesn't matter.

Copypasta'd from a source i won't cite because citation is stupid.

Youtube is fucktarded and I deleted two of my videos because of an audio dispute.

I have particular problems with this statement:

"I'm not selling my video or trying to make money."
"That doesn't matter."

Why? What the fuck are people being so protective for if no one is making money off of it? Isn't money the only thing people care about? The answer is yes. Youtube is trying to tell me it doesn't matter. I bet if I told them I was using the video to make millions of dollars somebody would be pretty pissed. Stupid rules limit and ruin society and people's lives. One of these days I'd like to change the rules and throw all the rule-making fuckasses in jail where they belong and have sent so many people who don't belong there. I feel like I'm missing something, like everyone else is getting something I feel doesn't make sense. How is this shit acceptable? I sure don't fucking accept it, nor will I in the foreseeable future. I'm pretty much giving up on Youtube now and have vowed never to make another video. There wouldn't be any issues in the world if there wasn't so much damn legislation driving fear into peoples veins every second of every day.

Additionally, I have problems with this statement:

There are other videos on YouTube with the same content. It's only fair that I can use it too.
Copyright is all about forbidding some people from using material that others are allowed to use. Someone else's use doesn't give you permission.

What fucking people are you talking about. That's what Jim Crow laws were about - forbidding some people from using materials other people were allowed to use. Fucking elitist Youtube higher-ups can eat it.

Wikipedia also does its part by making it impossible to edit anything. Even sites like Uncyclopedia are srs bzns these days. Sure, you're free to edit what you want, but without proper documentation and giving wikipedia administrators a blowjob your article will be deleted. Uncyclopedia does not hav any moar room for shit that is not funny. So basically you're not allowed to post there if you're not good enough for them. This is why I don't join forums because the kids who talk on them have much unwarranted self-importance.

But it's okay for me to post this shit here because no one reads it anyway.


There are only two types of drivers if you really think about it. Passive and aggressive. Aggressive drivers drive fast and make sure everyone is on their level. Passive drivers drive really slow and make aggressive people drive on their ass. When a road is composed of either only aggressive drivers or only passive drivers, everyone is on the same page and there is no chance of conflict. Of course, there are never only aggressive or passive drivers on the same road. So there is an ever continuing subliminal battle of wits between drivers. There are extremes on both ends, of course - the horrible aggressive driver who makes impossibly close turns in a haphazard manner, and the horrible passivce driver who drives at least 20 miles under the speed limit and leaves their blinker on all the time. There is no middle ground, however.

...Just some food for thought.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is my latest contribution to wikipedia which will probably be deleted for making fun of it.

This is the current version: